Josh Kennedy

Pulpit Minister

Josh has been a full-time preacher since 2021, after graduating from the Memphis School of Preaching. He has worked with a few congregations in Arkansas and Tennessee, as well as filling in at congregations across the south.

Josh’s goal is to help the church grow closer to the Lord through studying His word and working together to spread the Gospel to others. 

Jonathan Medley

Evangelism Minister

Jonathan preached his first sermon at the age of 27, but in the years to follow has filled in at various congregations and summer series. His passion is personal evangelism and helping others have the resources needed to spread the gospel.

Jonathan and his wife Jenna have three children: Avery, Tucker, and Ellie. He has a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Tennessee Tech (2006), but has since changed careers into banking

Hunter Harp

College Minister

Hunter has been involved in college ministry since 2012. His wife Mindy and daughter Sutton Avery help support him in this work.

Hunter enjoys college ministry because it plays a vital role in the life of a young Christian. It’s extremely rewarding to see a young person develop their faith and learn to stand on their own as they mature into the future of the church.